Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Beginning. . .

Day 1.

A New Beginning. . .

I started a 365 today with 6 other people. 
I'm sick.  You can totally tell by this shot.  Oh well.


  1. So, when you're sick you still look great? Lucky! lol. I can only sorta tell that you're sick if I look close. :P

    Anyway, that's a really cool shot! You write on your hands a lot, huh? Good luck with your 365! I'd do it too, but I don't have my own camera. :P

    God bless!
    And get better soon, don't be sick for 2 weeks like me! Bleh!

  2. Very funny :P I look even paler than usual and like I am in serious need of sleep. haha.

    Yeah I guess I do. Ah. Okay. So I'll admit that I had no idea what to do for day 1 of my 365. So I stopped off at the bottom house on my way home from the store, grabbed a sharpie out of my bag and lay down on the deck. Bam. A picture. There was probably only a space of about 9 minutes between the idea and execution.
    Aw. Well if you get one in the future you should do it :)

    Thanks!! I hope not to be, though I feel like I'm just getting worse. I feel like an old man, waking up and taking Tylenol before I've even had a cup of coffee ;)
